FB.ui Share popup on Azure Hosted Application: The domain of this URL isn't included in the app's domains


I have an application I have been developing which is to make use of the Facebook Developers FB.ui share popup:

            display: 'popup',
            method: 'share',
            href: imgUrl,
            quote: imgComment,
        }, function (response) { });

This seems to work perfectly when I am developing on localhost:5001 (I have set the following in my FB Dev Application settings):

entrez la description de l'image ici

However, as soon as I publish my application to my Azure hosted site (on the other address I have marked out above) I get the following error when trying to load the FB.ui Share popup:

entrez la description de l'image ici

The URL in the Valid OAuth Redirects URIs matches exactly the location of my Application online on Azure:

entrez la description de l'image ici

Je ne peux donc pas comprendre pourquoi je vois cette erreur lorsque j'essaie de charger la fenêtre contextuelle Partager.


L'URL dans les URI de redirection OAuth valides correspond exactement à l'emplacement de mon application en ligne sur Azure

Le message d'erreur ne parlait pas de ce champ, mais du champ App Domains .

Vous le trouvez sous Paramètres -> De base.

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